Respect given breeds respect received! We are often taken aback by the display of individuality in the Zoomer culture. Yet, to respond in a manner of kindness, respect, and intentionality speaks volumes about communicating your authenticity. Likewise, modeling value for one another and embracing each other’s differences truly helps to generate a foundation of trust and respect.

Too often, we see the expectation of the Zoomer, who is younger, to give respect first before they receive it. What we are suggesting is that the “you first” principle be in place. If we have a Zoomer reading this book, “you first” too!

Consider the thoughts and interests of a Zoomer individual in your life. How could you intentionally bridge the generational gap? Bridging the gap with expressions of thoughtfulness, respect, and love will consistently communicate across all generational gaps. Not to mention, it will do so in ways that will bring unity, growth, and authenticity. And when we speak of love, we are not speaking about the loving relationship that a parent-child or marriage contains; we are speaking about the love and appreciation of another fellow human being.

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