This is a generation that values actions and words in nearly equal measure. A recent study by IBM finds that Zoomers, by an overwhelming margin, believe brands need to back up their words with actions that demonstrate continuity, credibility, and integrity—or they risk losing their “realness” and authenticity. Zoomers using social media as their communication platform can spread the word like a tidal wave. The term “going viral” started with the younger Millennials and is now coined by Zoomers.

In a world that is driven by Yelp, Google, Amazon, and independent reviews, we have changed how we do business with companies. Glassdoor is one site that provides space for former employees to rate and write reviews about their employers. All generations have embraced this idea of ratings and reviews. Zoomers invest heavily in these websites when making buying and career choices. This is one example of how generations have crossed over and adopted a Zoomer practice. The idea of reviews has changed the face of many industries, such as real estate, professional services, healthcare, consumer goods, e-commerce, etc.

Companies must live up to their 5-Star ratings internally in how they treat employees as well as externally in servicing customers. Social media can and will drive the ratings message. It is the new “word of mouth” way of driving business away from or towards a company, product, or service. As a reminder, when hiring anyone in your company, they are also “hiring” or “buying” you. It is a two-way street. Wise candidates have done their research on your company beyond your website and are in the decision-making process when they arrive onscreen or in the office.

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