I have never seen a generation that needs understanding more than Zoomers. They are floundering even before they hit the workforce. This generation has had the rug pulled out from under them on every foundational truth. There is no God, no family, no past foundation, and now even no sexual orientation as an absolute. This generation has had all of this done to them before they could step out into the world and try things on to see what they liked or disliked, what they wanted to keep or change. All these changes were thrust upon them when they were at their most vulnerable, in their teen years. It’s no surprise that depression is on the rise, and frustration manifesting itself in violence has become the norm. Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., said after the shooting in Uvalde that “most of these killers tend to be 18 to 19 years old.” This trend, if not halted, will continue to escalate as frustration among this generation continues.

Someone needs to advocate for this generation to help them navigate these very dangerous waters we have tossed them into. We have not given them a map, a compass, or even a destination; we have just said go.

I seriously don’t think any generation has had more challenges than this one. I want to see how we, the former generations, can reach out to them and make a difference. I hope you, as a reader, also want to be an advocate and someone who wants to reach out to this very lost and hurting generation.

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