Working with businesses, I see a general misunderstanding of the generations. There is so much dysfunction and finger-pointing. It is an understatement to say that this has an impact on the growth and profitability of companies. The emotional impact is significant. The basis of much of my work revolves around culture. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” as the saying goes. It is true!

Living in Illinois, I saw some of the strictest COVID-19 restrictions for the longest periods. Some restrictions are still in place as of the end of 2022. The isolation and fear-inducing restrictions have had a negative impact on the public at large. The Zoomers and Generation Alphas have been most vulnerable due to age and emotional maturity.

The Zoomers are an invisible generation, lost in the assumption that the Millennials are still the youngest generation in the workforce. There is less understanding and awareness of who they are. Older generations assume that Zoomers are like Millennials because of their agility in technology and love of social media. This belief just amplifies the problem.

I have the desire to see the generations lend a “hand up” to each other. Sadly, I see too many hands slapped down. This is not new. This has been a common practice since I was the youngest generation in the workforce. We are at an exceptionally vulnerable time in our workplace and society. As you will read in this book, I hope that you develop a passion and mission to mentor and be mentored. This is our way to change the tide and calm the seas.

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