Our Millennial generation has two subsets just like our Boomers. The Boomers are nearly a 50/50 split. The Millennial split is closer to a 65/35 split depending on what you read. The important point is that there are some characteristic differences between younger and older Millennials. This article does a great job of calling out these differences.

  • Older Millennials were teen-agers at the turn of the century and clearly remember the events of September 11th. We also remember a time before the Internet, iPhones and iPods.
  • Younger Millennials were heading off to middle school  where they could access the Internet with ease. They were likely given cell phones as teen-agers and now are keener on hanging out on Snapchat than Facebook.

Being sensitive to new communication avenues for a diverse employee group can help ease benefits administration for HR. And understanding that not every millennial learns the same way—or has had the same experience with health & welfare benefits—could help shape plan design and benefits education strategies.

What HR Managers Need to Know About the ‘Millennial Split’ Generation

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