Strategic Growth Plan

“With a clever strategy, each action is self-reinforcing. Each action creates more options that are mutually beneficial. Each victory is not just for today but for tomorrow.”  ~ Max McKeown

strategic growth plan with borderThis Key was developed as the process to incorporate all of the data that was discovered by working through any or all of the “10 Keys for Strategic Growth” Audit. The purpose for this Key is to write the entire Strategic Growth Plan in one working document.

All of the Critical Findings and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are gathered together. The Critical Findings are deficiencies which has produced or may produce a significant result at some level in an organization. A KPI is a performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization with the focus on the activities in which it engages.

An Executive Summary is developed from the sum of all of the “10 Keys for Strategic Growth” which gives a comprehensive understanding of the organization.

  1. Organizational Identity – establishes a solid bedrock for your organization to stand on
  2. Strategic Analysis – gives a comprehensive view of the organization’s potential
  3. Value Proposition – summarizes why a customer should use your products or services
  4. Target Market – is the set of integrated strategies an organization will use to connect with its customers
  5. Sales Process Design – covers the development of an effective Sales Process for YOUR organization
  6. Create Your Brand Identity – is the experience that your customers have when doing business with your organization
  7. Develop & Implement Your Marketing Plan – is a practical and detailed document that sets clear, realistic and measurable activities that can be tracked to results in sales
  8. Talent Management – addresses the confusion, conflict, productivity challenges, customer issues, leadership/management gaps
  9. Optimizing Operations – delves into all aspects of operations using the expertise of the authors as well as industry experts
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