“Communication” is a critical component of dispensing information and letting others know what it is you want from them.

Methods of communication have components that literally transmit various signals to those listening that will either unite or divide them.

Most people have a tendency to run at the mouth rather than having a clear concise mental picture of exactly the outcome they desire from their communication

Communications was my major in college. Often my professors would explain that whenever there is communication happening between two people that there are actually six messages being sent and received at any given time. No wonder people have a difficult time communicating. Add to the mix different generations and nonverbal cues and is it any wonder that we ever understand each other.

Here are the six messages which occurs whenever we are speaking to another person,

They are:

  • What someone is saying?
  • What someone is trying to say?
  • What is actually being said?
  • What someone thinks they are hearing?
  • What someone is actually hearing?
  • What someone is interpreting about what they are hearing being said?

Imagine the complexities in communication when you add generational diversity to the mix.

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