LMI – Riverside Defines Measurable Success
According to the Gallup News Service, “on average, employees waste 1.44 hours each day on non-productive activities.” Mary Erlain, associate of Leadership Management Institute-Riverside (LMI) tells her clients, “Do the math; what is this loss costing you or your company daily, or even annually? This figure simply represents how employees approach their work every day, and does not factor in non-work distractions such as browsing the internet, texting or socializing,” said Erlain.
Helping executives hone their personal productivity and that of their employees, Erlain and Ray Stuchly, CEO of LMI Riverside, co-facilitate an international program, “Effective Personal Productivity,” a process proven for 50 years “to deliver measurable results,” said Stuchly.
Beginning July 2011, Erlain and Stuchly are facilitating the LMI program in the Western Suburbs of Illinois.
“This 9-week program will provide CEOs, presidents, executives and business owners the tools necessary to develop new productive behaviors that can be applied directly to daily issues,” said Stuchly.
Erlain explains high payoff activities as those driving income and satisfaction in all areas of life. “The ‘LMI Effective Personal Productivity’ program gives participants the ability to understand and stay focused on high payoff activities, which, in turn, leads to greater revenue, as well as becoming more effective, organized and communicative leaders,” she said.
“This program comes with a guarantee of results or the money is refunded,” said Stuchly. “I have guided hundreds of people through this program over the last 18 years, and no one has ever asked for a refund.”
To learn more about “Effective Personal Productivity,” contact Mary Erlain by phone at 630-768-1422 or via email at m.erlain@peak-ds.com.
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