Empowering the Multi-Generational Workforce

We currently have 5 generations in our workforce today. That will not change in the years to come.

As our Traditionalists leave, our Generation Alphas will take their place. The inability to communicate effectively both internally among staff members as well as externally with customers is creating problems in business today.

I created this book as a companion to the original book “10 Answer Keys, Communicating with the 5 Generations in the Workplace” as a tool to diagnose the issues that you are currently struggling with in your organization. It will help you develop a plan to address those issues. This should lead to increased growth, productivity, and profitability on the business level.

Even more important, “Empowering the Multi-Generational Workforce” will help you develop a more positive culture in your organization. An additional section focuses on the concept of Customer Driven Focus. This means attaching the customer to everyone and everything in the organization. Once you attach what you do to people (customers) and not to inventory or dollars, things change in an organization for the better.

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